“Become so confident in who you are, that no one's opinion, rejection, or behavior can rock you”

So, you want to know how to be confident, huh? I mean, why else would you click on this article. Now you’re probably thinking “How can I become a confident Woman?” Well honey, I got just the right tips & tricks to self-love that’ll make you that confident Queen.
Hello Queens, and welcome to Heels & Hoops Entertainment. Where the quality of entertainment is exquisite! My name is Jasmine, and this is a place where you’ll find motivational guidance along with some education and inspiration into becoming a better version of yourself.
Here is something for you to think about. Confidence is not something you are born with, it’s something you create and being confident doesn’t mean that you’ll be always completely sure of yourself. Self-confidence is that thing that comes from within, it's a superpower that you have.
Here are some tips, that will help you become that confident queen.
Tip #1: Don’t compare
We typically lose ourselves whenever we decide to compare ourselves to other females. Understand that you are unique, that thing that makes you different, is that thing that sets you aside from the rest. Appreciate it honey, and do not conform to society. Not only that, but a confident woman also empowers one another, they do not compare nor criticize. So, remember to stay focused on you, and master being the best version of yourself that you can possibly be.
Tip #2: Get dressed
The best way to feel good about yourself is to wake up early, take a shower and get dressed. Don’t be that depressed bitter lady, who stays in the bed all day doing nothing with their life. Getting dressed should be the first thing to do in the morning. It will have you feeling accomplished and ready to tackle the world.
Tip #3: Knowledge is key
Since you're on your phone all day, use it to your advantage. Knowledge is key when it comes to success. Empower yourself by finding people who mastered the game and follow in their footsteps. Do not go a day without reading a chapter or two about self-improvement or overall learning something new. By becoming more knowledgeable, you will be more confident.
Tip #4: Always be Positive & Kind
The good news is that you can change your state of mind at any moment, no matter what’s happening around you. Replace your negative thoughts with positive one. What I typically like to do is listen to something motivational when I’m doing my morning routine, it sets the tone for the rest of the day. The kind of people I like listening to is Jim Rohn, Maya Angelou, Les Brown and Sarah Jakes. Just to throw a couple of motivational speakers out there. Be kind by treating others how you would want to be treated and understand that kindness is contagious. Don’t go around being rude and don’t forget the manners your parents taught you when you were younger, if your parents taught you any.
Tip #5: Have good posture
Having a good posture is critical. Not only does it have great benefits to your health, but it also looks good. Do not slouch and be sluggish. Make sure your standing tall and straight with your shoulder back. Also, ladies when you're walking, walk with your head held high, and be the true Queen that you are. It exudes strength, power and self-worth. Maintaining a posture like that makes you feel stronger, and confident. Where your body goes your mind should follow, so stay out your thoughts and be present in the moment.
Tip #6: Make good eye contact
Maintaining good eye contact exudes a sense of self power. It's the most important technique to practice if you wish to appear more confident. To maintain good eye contact, use the 50/70 rule. 50% of the time when you're talking, & 70% of the time when you're listening. That way they don’t confuse it with starring. Also, when you see someone starring, just smile and nod. Be polite, they just probably think your cute anyways.
Tip #7: Exercise daily
Exercising has been one of the most empowering activities ever, and I do mean EMPOWERING. Getting fit is for sure a great way to feel good about yourself. As you get older, you start to realize that some things you just can’t do anymore. Like twerking in the mirror. Why you think your knees give out after that first drop. Honey, it is necessary to work those joints outs. All you must do is walk at least 3 times a week, or even turn on some music and dance for 5-10 minutes straight, I mean that’s what I do. I promise you’ll feel the difference. So, go ahead, pause this video and get your twerk on boo. I’ll be here waiting.
Tip #8: Smile
Smiling has such a POWERFUL effect on people. A genuine smile communicates that you are friendly, honest and trustworthy. Not only that it makes you more attractive. You never know what someone is going through, your smile will be able to brighten up their day.
Now that we have all 8 tips, let’s run that back for memory's sake.
1. Stop comparing: You are great just the way you are!
2. Get dressed: Show up and show out, Okay. Slay honey, Slay.
3. Knowledge is key: Educate yourself daily, make it a habit to grow mentally.
4. Always be Positive & Kind: Do NOT be that negative Nancy, be that uplifting, and encouraging friend.
5. Have good posture: No matter how tired you become, do not slouch.
6. Maintain good eye contact: Remember that it signals strength, do not look down or around.
7. Exercise daily: Get fit boo, you’ll thank me later.
8. Don’t forget to smile: Last but not least, Smile. It's called the law of attraction
Before I go, I want you to understand that psychology is essential when learning how to be confident. Think of that time when you were with someone who was confident. I'm sure you noticed how they carried themselves & moved around. That person had a strong presence just by making good eye contact and having a great posture.
Confidence is something you draw from within, it's a powerful sense of self belief. So, get up, get dressed, and take on the world with this newfound confidence of yours. If you enjoyed this article, make sure you smash that like button, and share it with other queens. Oh, and of-course, don’t forget to subscribe!
Until next time Queens Muahhh ...